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Telegram Account Manager [TelegramTools.io]

What is telegram account manager ?

Telegram account manager can manage lots of accounts automatically , for example you can add more than 500 telegram accounts in that and this bot manage all these accounts and show you all unread messages in these accounts and allow you to reply them , use these telegram accounts to send bulk message or add members to your group under more than 38 million IPs .
You can use this bot as an advertising bot , account manager or lead generator and more.


Ability to add members to your group using lots of telegram accounts automatically
Ability to send bulk message using lots of telegram accounts automatically
Using more than 40 million IPs and IP rotator for all accounts [accounts will be connected to telegram using different IPs]
Scrap and export members from desire groups
Buy virtual number and create telegram account automatically
Show and response to all unread messages of all your accounts
Set last seen status in order to send message and add members who are active only
Profile setting for your account
And much more


In the first step , you should know how the bot works , this bot must have different telegram accounts inside of it , when you order the bot to add members to your group or send bulk message  , the bot will connect to the telegram accounts using different IPs and add members to your group or send them message !

To start the bot you should insert telegram accounts to the bot , you will have two option , inserting your existing accounts to the bot or buy new telegram accounts from the bot!

How to insert my telegram accounts to the bot ?

To insert your existing accounts to the bot go to

📘 insert members -> 📱 account management -> 📲 add your accounts

Now insert telegram account number , be sure that two step verification is disabled !

After , telegram will send verification code , click on insert activation code and insert your verification code in the form that will appear

Now wait until you get successful message and after it your account will be added to your account list!

How to buy telegram accounts to the bot ?

For now please contact @teletools_support on telegram to get new telegram accounts

When you’ve inserted your desire accounts to the bot it’s time to insert members to the bot , the bot will add these members to group or will send them bulk message!

How to insert targeted members to the bot using excel file?

If you want to add members to the bot using excel file , you go to

📃 report/management -> 📘 insert members -> add from excel file

Now if you want to add members using their phone numbers click on contain phone number or if you want to add members using their username click on contain username , now you should send your excel file , the file must be xlsx format and usernames or phone numbers must be on first row .

 How to scrap/export/add members from targeted group?

If you want to scrap or export members from targeted group go to

📃 report/management -> 📘 insert members -> add from another group

Now if you want to scrap from a group that you have its link , click on scrap from public group and insert group link and wait until bot export all members and send you the success message.

If you want to add members from a group that you have not its link  but your telegram account is in that you should click on scrap from private group and follow  the instruction.

Now it’s time to start adding members to your group or send bulk message to members 😉

How to send bulk message?

 When you’ve added or bought enough telegram accounts  and also you’ve inserted members to your bot,  it’s time to send them bulk message !

Click on 📤 send  button , now you can set desire post to send , send your post then you can send more posts and the bot will send these messages randomly , using this way you can reduce spam rate also if you are sending links you can set different texts and links The more messages you set, the lower the spam rate , if you have inserted members using username (if you’ve scrapped from other groups you should click on username) click on send using username and if you’ve inserted members using phone numbers click on send using phone number , now the system will start to connect to telegram accounts under different  IPs one by one and send message using them to your members . Click on turn off if you want to turn off the bot , it may takes 3-5 minutes to be turned off .

How to add members to my group?

When you’ve added or bought enough telegram accounts  and also you’ve inserted members to your bot, it’s time to add members to your group!

Click on 📲 add , now send your group link , then if you have inserted members using username (if you’ve scrapped from other groups you should click on username) click on add using username and if you’ve inserted members using phone numbers click on add using phone number , now the system will start to connect to telegram accounts under different  IPs one by one and add members to your group using these accounts . Click on turn off if you want to turn off the bot , it may takes 2-5 minutes to be turned off .

Options and features (Tutorial)

How to check and reply unread messages ?

The bot will control lots of telegram accounts for example more than 100 telegram accounts ! what if somebody ask a question or send you a message in one of these accounts or what if you want  to reply them without logging in the telegram accounts ?!

Click on 👁‍🗨 show unread messages and wait for a while , it will connect to all telegram accounts and show you all unread messages one by one and you can reply them through the bot.

How to only send to active members ?

if you want to set a filter to send to members or add members who has special last seen status go to

⚙️setting -> 📡 set last seen status

If you want to send to all members click on send to all status , if you want to send only to members who was active in 5 days ago and are not last seen recently click on online in 5 days ago , and if you want to send to members who were active in 5 days ago and who are last seen recently click on last seen and online in 5 days ago !

How to set add/send limitation for each telegram account per day?

If you want to send for example only 10 messages using each telegram account or add only 10 members to your group using each telegram account you can go to

⚙️setting->📤 set send/add limit and insert desire limit for example 10 (default is : 40)

How to set profile of all accounts automatically?

If you want to change all accounts profile automatically , you can go to

⚙️setting->👤 set profile->☑️ change and set profile to set new profile photo , name , family and bio

Now if you want to change all your accounts  profile click on

⚙️setting->👤 set profile->🔄 change profile of all accounts

Now bot automatically will login to all your accounts and change their profile , it make take long !

How to set main number and scrap from groups without link?

If you want to add members from groups that has no links but your account is in the groups , you should connect your number as main number to the bot , bot will use your account to scrap members !

Go to ⚙️setting->📲 set main number and insert your number and follow instruction , when you have connected your account , it’s time to scrap from private groups , read How to scrap/export/add members from targeted group? For more information

What is API ID and API HASH and how to set it?

All telegram software will connect to telegram using unique API ID and API HASH , sometime your telegram accounts get spam or spam rate is high , so you can avoid using public API ID and API HASH which is set to the bot by default and set your own API ID and API HASH  , also if spam rate is high you can change it time to time , we will discuss more about it in advanced section !

Go to ⚙️setting->📡 set api_id api_hash now go to http://my.telegram.org/auth and Insert your phone number , click on API development tools and insert desire App title and Short name and click on create application and you will have your own api id and api hash , you can insert it in the bot !

Important : don’t insert wrong api id api hash otherwise bot won’t work , click on back key if you don’t want to set it.

How to get total report and daily report ?

Click on 📃 report/management to see all reports !

How to get verification code and enter to my telegram accounts ?

Bot will keep all your telegram accounts and you can manage them or login them using verification code !

To do that go to 📃 report/management -> 📱 account management -> 📞 Active numbers find your desire number using pagination , now insert number in your telegram application and when telegram requested for verification code , click on activation code !

Wait about 2-3 minutes and bot will send you verification code !

Advanced Tutorial (How to avoid getting spam?)

Before anything , avoid doing spam !!!

Please don’t spam , add members or send message to members who want to be added or want to receive messages ! If users don’t report you as spam all will be ok !

We mention some technics that can help you reduce spam rate !

[the bot will connect using more than 38 million IPs so it will help to reduce spam]

1.Write your message in a way that members feel you are a human , start your message with greeting , ask them some question (and reply them after ) and talk them , try to hide that you are  advertising and instead start talking as a human .

2.If you are adding members to your group use Rose bot to hide join alert to do that :

Make this bot admin in your group @MissRose_bot

Then send theses commands in your group

/goodbye off

/welcome off

/cleanservice on

3.if you are sending message containing url , use shorten link to create different accounts and change your message 2/3 times a day or create different links for your group  or channel (invite links) and use them, you can create as many as you want link .

Try to change your message 2/3 times a day the more the better !

4.click on 👁🗨 show unread messages at least once per day and answer to all your members

5.if all accounts get spam or banned you should change your link and also change api id & api hash

6.changing profile account time to time may help

7.don’t start the bot more than once in a day

8.when you click on send button , you should add lots of different messages , The more messages you set, the lower the spam rate , don’t set one kind on message for all accounts , if you want to send your group link get lots of different links and set them in the messages.

9.by sending predefined commands to the bot , set random profiles for your accounts for example by sending /changeprofile_packenglishgirl to bot , bot will set random English profiles for your accounts


Try to be like human not a spammer and do all you can for your accounts to be like human not spammer accounts to avoid getting banned and spammed

Try to use profiles that are like human not the profiles that obvious that they are advertising profiles to avoid getting spammed

Most of my accounts get banned ! (why and how to avoid it)

When you get banned or in down level you get temporary spam, it means that telegram has been suspicious to you and your activity , sometimes it is wrong by telegram for example when you buy 100 telegram accounts and you don’t use them to send message , adding members and etc and leave them , telegram may think  that you want to use them as fake member or etc and will ban most of them !

There is some reason why you get banned and spam these are not the rules but it can help you to avoid it !

1.when you have lots of accounts and you don’t use them properly for example you leave them for a while , you don’t click on unread messages and etc it may cause to get all banned

2.sometimes you use virtual numbers that are not useful for targeted members , for example if you have Malaysia telegram accounts and you want to send message to Korean members , may telegram ban or spam your accounts so you must change your accounts and buy account from different countries and test them

3.Telegram recognize you using API ID & API HASH , IPs , Message that you send , group that you are adding to ! we will change IPs on each connection so if all accounts has been spammed or banned you can change all these parameters such as API ID API HASH , Message and the link inside that if you have link in your message change more as is possible

4.Links in your message ! the link in your message must change daily the more the better sometimes telegram will recognize a link as spam and all accounts that send that link will get spam , also you must set different links in message listÍ

* read advanced tutorial and follow all instruction

5.try to buy different numbers from different countries and check which one is the best for you and also buy low amount per day , for example buy 3-4 accounts per day and use them to send bulk message

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