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How to make money on telegram: 4 effective ways

How to make money on telegram

Telegram has its own audience. Here is you can earn cash if you “cook” it correctly.

Telegram is the leader in the percentage of post views. That is why Telegram is a great choice for earning money. Such seductive indicators are due to numerous reasons:

– User interface feature. Users see each post from a combined newsfeed, personal messages and community messages in one tab.

– Audience. At first, IT people, marketers, and editors started to use Telegram. To date, the reach of users has actually increased considerably, but the quality of the audience has actually not suffered much from this.

According to stats, more than 50% of users routinely read channels. These figures are many times less than other social media and platforms: VKontakte – 20%, Facebook – 10%. So why not take advantage of it?

There are numerous alternatives for making a profit on Telegram. Everything depends upon the niche and audience you are going to deal with.

In many cases, advertising is the main income. Normally this is an ad for other channels, frequently competitive ones from the exact same subject. Normally, consumers find you themselves: through directory sites, exchanges, or your marketing posts.

Not just other channels are advertised. There are also large marketers in Telegram: from numerous online services to banks.

From time to time on popular channels, you can discover native posts about Alfa-Bank cards. Such sharks do not purchase publications anywhere – the channel needs to be at a decent level with a quality audience.

We will not dwell on this technique of earning in detail, given that in the following lessons and short articles we will return to this topic more.


Paid membership

Depending on the quality and type of content published, access to the channel can cost a fee. These are the so-called closed channels. If the admin publish professional or unique content, then users can pay for the opportunity to get them.

This can often be seen in the area of cryptocurrencies or sports wagering. Traders and experts provide paid access to a closed community where they share their experiences and knowledge. And sports channels can offer access to betting forecasts.

Also, paid channels can be found in the field of info organization. This can be paid training by one author, or access to a great deal of naturally drains pipes.

Generally, payment is moved straight to the channel administrator through an electronic wallet.


Affiliate programs

Affiliate programs are a fantastic method to generate income, but unusually enough, not everybody takes note of it. If unexpectedly somebody is not in the topic, then the point is that you get a commission if the user acquired any service or product utilizing your recommendation link.

You have a company channel and evaluated a new small company credit card from XXX Bank. If one of the subscribers fills out an application for a card by clicking on your link, then you will get a benefit.

Here it is important to comprehend that the affiliate program should relate to the topic of the channel and harmoniously fit into the content.

The most popular subject on Telegram is product evaluations from AliExpress. Administrators earn simply on affiliate deductions for purchases through their recommendation links. The most striking example is the channels from Lifehacker: “AliExpress finds”, “Things for 300” and “Everything for a male”.


AliExpress discovers

AliExpress discovers is an example of a channel that makes affiliate reductions.
It ought to be alerted that the niche of buying from China is overheated and it will not be so easy to enter here with little effort.

If you wish to remain on the subject of Ali, consider more particular item evaluations. For example, “How to save money on house restorations with Aliexpress”, “AliExpress for amateur photographers”, and so on.

Where to look for affiliate programs? Choose an affiliate program with suitable conditions for you, and go ahead.

Among the most crucial distinctions between generating income on affiliate programs and offering ads is the quality of the audience. You will still receive payment from the advertiser if no user has actually clicked on an ad on your channel. If no one clicks on affiliate links, then you lose earnings. When developing your audience and content, keep this in mind. The best option would be to combine these 2 kinds of profits.



Generate income on your site or blog

With enough number of customers, you can convert them into traffic to your website. This is not the most typical method, but it’s a good one. However, the income from the site can vary.

What is the peculiarity of this technique? The movement of traffic happens both in one instructions and in the opposite direction. That is, at the expense of your site/ blog, you can also pump the telegram channel because frequently the visitors to the site comes from search engines.

Keep in mind that according to statistics, users are not extremely prepared to move from one platform to another (from messenger to website), however, prefer to stay on one website.


How much can you make

You can earn money on Telegram in various methods. You can invest your time, and effort and get a cent, or you can purchase a brand-new vehicle for earnings. It depends on numerous elements.

Revenue is the number of customers multiplied by the cost per user if we are talking about advertising. The last specification depends on the subject of the channel. If the content on the channel are entertaining, then the expense of each customer can be 10-25 kopecks. One of the most costly niches is financing and cryptocurrency. Here, the expense of a subscriber can reach numerous 10s of rubles. The narrower the subject and the better the audience, the more costly you can offer to advertise.

Think about an example. “When GIF” has over 21,000 subscribers, but the advertisement costs just 777 rubles. (spring 2018).

The opposite scenario is with the channel “CoinInvestPro”. Here, if there are about 12 thousand subscribers, the cost of advertising reaches 21,000 rubles. The subject of the channel is financial investment in cryptocurrency.



If you call the admins of popular channels with a question about putting an advertising post, you can frequently hear that for the next week/ month all the locations are offered out and you can just reserve for the next quarter.

Income from affiliate programs depends on their conditions. AliExpress ePN enables you to make more than 8.5% of the quantity purchased through the link. The cost of the commission on monetary topics is among the most expensive. In credit cards, it is 500-2000 rubles for each referred customer.


Other methods to make money on Telegram

This subsection no longer relates straight to the subject of our post, but broadens the view on the blood circulation of cash in the messenger.

You can make money through the development of customized bots. The high cost is due to the scarcity of developers in this topic and the increased attention to the trendy and scandalous messenger.

You can not only develop bots on the Telegram API, but likewise, look for bugs in the Telegram security system. Current contests can be found in the official VK group “Telegram Challenge”.

Administration of other channels can likewise bring cash. Here you can get a job as an admin: search for content for the channel, publish it and receive payment for it.


gray plans

It is worth discussing the gray areas, on which individuals also generate income:

– scams with clones of channel administrator profiles (a scammer develops an account visually comparable to the account of an administrator of a popular channel and uses it to purchase advertising on this channel on his behalf);.

– promo services, when bots subscribe to the channel at the price of a “live” user.

– And much, much more, so be aware and careful.

The competition is growing every day. But if you have a head on your shoulders, choose the best-earning strategy, select a niche properly, choose a content creation strategy, evaluate the audience, then you can constantly earn money!


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