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Where to get ideas for your Telegram channel posts

telegram post-ideas

Ask yourself a question: does your telegram channel assist your customers in any way? Your telegram channel will rapidly become popular if you find out how to produce helpful content. This is a lengthy and rather hard job. So let’s determine where to get the ideas for your content and how to create it yourself.

All of the sources listed below can be used not just for Telegram channels, but likewise for Facebook groups, websites, and so on.

– Copy-paste
– Rewriting (content unitization)
– English-language sources
– User Content
– Material Aggregation and Collections


We do not suggest copy-pasted content


First, there are moral and ethical reasons. It is hard to end up being a leader in any field if you do not produce anything unique, but only copy.

The reader feels when the content is not copyrighted. In addition, it is easy to check if you paste a piece of copy-paste text into a Google or Yandex search and you’ll have to deal with consequences: Distrust, low audience loyalty, and so on.
Third, there is copyright law.

At the time of writing this article, Telegram just imposes sanctions on prohibited music material that infringes copyright, however later this might also affect the text material as well.

Nevertheless, if a “foreign” short article is actually beneficial to your subscribers, you can share it with your audience, while suggesting a link to the source of info.



An ideal choice is to retell the completed text if you do not have enough information about a specific issue. This is not a copy-paste, which we discussed above. There is nothing unlawful with this method. This is the so-called copy-paste uniqueization – retelling the essence in your own words. This is currently the author’s vision of the issue, which you specified in your own words, based on information from other sources.

In the case of rewriting, the ideal alternative would be to use a number of sources of info.

If you don’t want to independently rewrite and retell the content, then you can do it for a charge using rewriting websites like:
Material Monster;


English-language sources

Excellent choice if you speak English well! If you do not speak English – there is Google Translate.

We drive keywords in English into Google search and discover thematic Online publications and English-language blogs.

There are problems here, in addition to a foreign language. Some narrow locations are essentially various here and abroad, and the English-language product is not pertinent. For example, the tax system, lending and the banking system in various countries operate in entirely various ways, so not all “bourgeois” posts can be adjusted for domestic readers.


User Content

User Content

You can use user content to get an idea about your next article. There are many forums that people use to talk about any topic and you can get into those forums and see what they are talking about. One of the benefits of this method is that you get to know what is a hot topic and a topic that people are talking about and care about. This way you’ll get not just any idea about your next article, but a fresh and hot idea that can draw readers’ attention.


There’s one thing to consider while you are using this method to get your idea. You have to be careful not to get biased about the topic. For example, you see some people are talking about how bad is the service of a messenger app and you may get biased negatively toward that messenger app. However, that messenger app may still provide other services with good quality. Even the service that some people are unsatisfied with, may not be a bad service as there are many other people who may be totally satisfied with it. So be careful and read all the conversations and all view points and try not to get biased. Being biased is not a good practice in writing an article.


Post from other channels

A channel doesn’t have to be all user-generated content. It’s excellent to have various kinds of posts. It can be one of the classifications, for instance, a picture contest or a contest for the best collection or story – it all depends on the subject.


Content Aggregation and Collections

Do not confuse copy-paste and content aggregators. Publishing others’ content without links to the source is a copy-paste. However, creating useful thematic collections is another matter entirely.

The most popular examples on Telegram are: “Interesting Articles” (@bestarticles ), “Mastrids” (@mustreads ). The essence is routine collections of the most fascinating texts and short articles from all over the Internet.


Post from “Interesting Articles

Post with a selection of posts on the channel “Interesting Articles”.
It should not only be collections of short articles and can be books, applications, films, videos, services, case studies, podcasts, anything.

Posts content like “10 explosive cases for channel promotion”, “TOP 20 greatest books for a professional photographer”, “16 movies with an unforeseen ending”, “20+ services to promote your brand” and so on are great and draw in attention.

Such collections, if they consist of truly good material, are no less beneficial than initial self-written texts.


Use your audience’ help

When the audience is in some way associated with the development of content, it always increases the interest of the audience. You can also use polls to see how interesting your content is.

Not every poll is intriguing to take part, so you should not vote about anything. Your audience needs to really be interested to know the results of the poll, or the subject of the study should be really interesting and engaging so that the audience is divided into 2 camps. “Is there a significant difference between males’ and females’ productivity at work?” Believe me, if readers can comment on such posts, then interesting fights will unfold under such posts.


A little humor doesn’t harm

The ever-living theme is humor. It is for humor that peekaboo and chips.net websites gather millions of visitors every month. However if entertaining material draws in primarily not the greatest audience, then the presence of humorous posts on the subject will only diversify the content.

This is worth taking benefit of if you create your own memes or comics on a particular subject of your channel.

A funny bone signifies intelligence. However do not forget that this should be a mouthwatering addition to the content calendar and not its basis. You must likewise be responsible for choosing amusing posts – better no joke than a bad one.


Where to get topics for posts

You can not copy somebody else’s text. However, no one forbids copying the topics of other people’s articles. When you no longer have any idea what to write about, it’s time to turn to other sources of motivation.

The easiest way is to study thematic resources, blogs and see what they write about. The number of views of each post will assist you to figure out the most popular and pertinent issues. If you enter into the comment section, in many cases you will discover brand-new intriguing topics for posts.

Great subjects for publications can be discovered on popular websites like Lifehacker.


Webite search “Lifehacker”

An example of searching for short articles on the topic of finance is the Lifehacker website.
Another manner that is popular to contextual marketing experts and SEO promoters is the semantic core. This is a list of crucial expressions that characterize the selected specific niche, which are asked for by users in the search.


Selection of words in Yandex

Expressions that users request in the Yandex online search engine on the subject of financial investment
Be innovative in producing content for your channel: You can utilize not only domestic sources of details, but also English ones. You can also step further and create useful collections of thematic materials and conduct contests, voting, polls, and include the audience in the content production procedure. Bear in mind that the most crucial thing for material is to be intriguing and beneficial to readers.


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